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Monday, January 14, 2013

Home made bindi from Sago

According to Hindu culture, bindis are important for various reasons. For kids, its to ward off the evil, black bindis are used.
In these modern times, many of us use Sticker bindis. A few are comfortable with it , but in many others, it has developed many ill effects like the white spot on their foreheads( due to the use of the stickers over significant periods, itching, red spots and so on) . I have heard and seen from my relatives and friends.When I was browsing about it, I found a doctor statement which I am sharing here.
Allergic Contact Dermatitis (an acute allergic inflammation of the skin) to kumkum (powder) and bindi (sticker) is common in Indian women who have used them continuously over a period of years. “The exact composition in kumkum powder is not known but it usually contains starch or chalk powder with a coloring agent,” says Gutte. Sticker bindis contain a gum to which “sensitive skins may react."
I started to think over it seriously when I saw a few rashes on my daughter's forehead after using the sticker bindis.
Thankfully I got a method online to make home made bindis for kids and I made it at home and started to use for my daughter. Here I share the same with you all. If you know other methods , I would appreciate if you share with us. Its about learning and sharing and in a way we can help each other.

Home made bindi(courtesy indus ladies).

Sago/Javvarisi-- 1/2 cup
Water- 1/4 cup or as needed.


Dry roast the sago in medium flame till it becomes dark brown and eventually black.( beware of the smokes that it produces while roasting).
After it comes dark brown start to add water little by little so that sago starts to melt in the water.

It will melt in a few mins and then it will start to get thickened. Once it starts to thicken in couple of mins , take the pan off the flame and pour it in a glass bowl.( I have used a glass bowl here). It will solidify in a few hours. When needed, take a few drops of water and rub using thumb.Taking a small thick drop , we can use as bindi for kids. It doesnot peel off until we do. It stays on the forehead for a full day.
half cup of sago
the colour changes from white to brown and then to dark
boiling  in water and dissolving
the final home made bindi mixture transferred in to the bowl to get cooled n solidify

Let this year be filled with lots of joy and sweetness in life.


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