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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Potty Training.....

One of my friend shared her difficulty about potty training of her 2 year old baby girl and asked me to write some thing on it, genuinely i cant., at first it look me wired also to think about potty training and me..but soon realized that how the hell  goes out to train a kid for potty and get rid of diapers, some times toddler give us nightmares @potty...hence i searched some thing on internet and find stuff might be useful fore potty training.

The Do’s.

Start at the right time: Do not begin to potty train the baby when she is just out of some illness, or you have just got back to your work, or a new sibling has recently entered her life. Such times are challenging for the baby emotionally and potty training only adds to the burden and chances of efficient and successful potty training would be low.

Let the baby get ready by herself: There is no set age limit for getting your baby potty trained and you should wait till the time your baby develops physical, cognitive and behavioral skills to get potty trained. You can begin potty training your baby as early as 9 months or as late as 20 months. It should all depend upon the readiness of the baby. Do not show any hurry to begin potty training until your baby is ready. Starting potty training too soon only makes the process longer and proves to be of no use to either you or the baby.

Plan it out: Make a plan for your baby’s potty training. Be it buying a potty seat or books or rewards, plan it out and involve the baby to let her know what is happening. Decide on when and how you want to go ahead with it. What approach you are going to adopt or what accessories you may need. Books, rewards, surprises should all be planned and prepared well in advance. You should also have a backup plan for any regressions or rejections as well as you should be prepared for accidents.

Buck her up: Praise and appreciation on accomplishment of any task or milestone goes a long way in enhancing the growth and skills of the baby. The same applies to potty training as well. Praise your baby whenever she accomplishes a successful potty session. Appreciate the efforts she is making, even if she is not able to succeed at it initially. This encourages her and she is driven to perform better and accomplish the task the next time she gets the opportunity. She may fail initially a number of times but your encouragement and appreciation helps her a great deal.

Accept accidents: Accept the fact that accidents are bound to happen at first. Your baby cannot master the skill in a day or two. She needs some time to get there. So prepare yourself for the accidental wet beds, wet or soiled clothes and floor.

Decide on the approach you want to adopt and get going with potty training, while keeping in mind the above mentioned checklist.

The Don’ts.

Do not punish: Potty training is a difficult part not only for mothers but also for babies. They have to learn to respond and control their muscles to be successful. Do not punish your baby in anticipation to your repeated training and reminders. Your baby is going to take her own time and expecting her to do it too fast is really uncalled for. Give her that time and do not punish her on failures.

Do not pressurize: Keep reminding the baby that she has to try to use the potty but do not force or pressurise her to do so, if she doesn’t want to. Pressurizing her to get through faster may make her nervous and she may begin to hold stools, which can lead to problems like chronic constipation. Wait for the right time to start and allow your baby to take as much time she wants to learn the skill.

Do not show hurry: Potty training is a time taking process and once you decide to go for it, you should be prepared to give the much needed time and patience to get your child potty trained. Any sort of hurry only lengthens the process. And your baby may actually be discouraged by your attitude making the process still tougher.

Do not lose patience: Potty training your baby may take you weeks altogether, though in some cases it may be accomplished in just a few days. Accept the time that your baby takes to learn. Be patient with the baby and do not, in any case, force the baby into it as it may result in regression and repulsion and the baby may not be ready for it for long. Let her take her own time and develop the skills to get trained.

The process of potty-training your baby is time taking and gradual. More than your baby, it’s a task in your part to keep patience and follow the directions. Keep these do’s and don’ts in mind to successfully potty train your baby.(source :potty_training)

How can I make potty training fun? 
If she starts to lose interest when she's well into potty training, try rewards. 

Every time she goes in her potty, or tells you in advance that she needs to go, she could add a sticker to a wallchart. Watching the stickers accumulate will encourage her. Or use a potty training app which will offer its own reward. 

Then you could reward her with a longed-for toy when she gets enough stickers, or stays dry for a certain number of days.

When can we banish nappies? 
Getting your toddler out of nappies depends on whether a consistent approach is taken. So if she's at nursery or with a childminder, nanny or relatives, everyone needs to take the same approach. 

Ideally, you should go straight to full-time underwear to prevent your toddler from becoming confused. Though pull-ups are an option, real pants or washable cloth training pants will allow your daughter to feel more immediately when she's wet. Though you will need to prepare for the odd accident along the way. 

If you can't decide what to do for the best, talk to other parents about what they did, or ask your health visitor for advice. For a while, at least, you'll want to continue using nappies or disposable pants at night and on long trips.

Top tips to recognise if your child is ready to go to the toilet by themsleves…

 If your child is constantly shouting "Me do it"; Me do it" 
 When your child stops asking you to help all the time 
 Often when your child starts to seem "naughty", he is giving clues to his desire for more autonomy 
 When your child starts imitating everything you or a sibling does,

  do  read full here( also can visit this : potty-train-girls

you can also read this : nomorediapers.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

We need Total education revolution in India....

We need Total educational revolution in India....

When i was in polytechnic college discovered that the educational system of India is not beneficial to the masses, it is neither making a person into a good citizen nor it is providing enough to make a person to survive with a suitable profession. Paying little more deep thinking gave me insights that this current educational methods not producing any geniuses like Aryabhatta , Bhaskara charya, Susrutha, Agastya muni,to name a few or not even like modern mathematician Ramanujan ,jc bose, rabindra nath tagore such people were the result of gurukul method.  I was shocked to find how this  intermediary posts like apprentice , Licentiate courses were designed to make a person to  use him to create only to act like a bridge between the local masses and the British engineers, these people were just puppets at the hands of higher officers , so how can we produce a talent pool when we have such a disastrous model of educational system. more to add to this is No think tank paid attention to revive the holistic knowledge to our people.  i wrote an article in news paper also, to vent out frustration.  A College josh.

But If we carefully introspect can  find how faulty our the examination pattern is, studying  whole year lectures without relevant practical knowledge oftne with outdated theories filled in syllabus with no relevance to current scenario and than appearing in exams based on by-heart  method and God knows how a examiner evaluate the caliber of a student a set of answers provided to them to check the  his caliber. This evaluation method is beyond my understanding if we secure 95% marks we are treated best. often to found such people failed drastically in their personal life. why our precious 20 years are wasted to make us a slave to system of life which is invented for the benefit to the rulers of foreign land?

This  is systematic destruction of child future to make him dependable  to particular system like government jobs so that those people will never revolt, and government will provide them food, clothe and govt quarters, it is clearly evident that system was designed to keep masses for a specific use. There  was no holistic thinking in educational field till date, we blindly followed British system  without thinking what exactly our diversified culture needed. we need to ask ourselves do we need such society? 

 Am not a scholar to judge the Educational system but I can clearly view that there is lots of poverty around which is not  ancient inheritance, it is  certainly due to result of poor educational system. lack of awareness in the masses to seek the progress in life, towards self. May be those people has been told countless times that they are born to  be slave ,  Be dependent.

 Rajiv Dixit ji  narrating the history how lord Macaulay destroyed Indian educational system to destroy the fundamental fabric of Indian culture and education and introduce English methods to dominate on Indians. 

Rajiv Radheshyam Dixit was an Indian social activist. He started social movements in order to spread awareness on topics of Indian national interest through the Swadeshi Movement, Azadi Bachao Andolan, and various other works. He served as the National Secretary of Bharat Swabhiman Andolan. He was a strong believer and preacher of Bharatiyata. He had also worked for spreading awareness about Indian history, issues in the Indian Constitution and Indian economic policies.
He was groomed by prof Dharampal ( source wikipedia)

After viewing this vid tried to find about macaulay from wikipedia left goose bumps to read these lines there which are from history books. My view was right in college the British had their plans. so here goes under.

 Minute on Indian Education, delivered in 1835. It reads,

It is impossible for us, with our limited means, to attempt to educate the body of the people. We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect. To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population.

Macaulay was Secretary to the Board of Control under Lord Grey from 1832 until 1833. After the passing of the Government of India Act 1833, he was appointed as the first Law Member of the Governor-General's Council. He went to India in 1834. He served on the Supreme Council of India between 1834 and 1838. He introduced English education in India through his famous minute of February 1835.

. He called an educational system that would create a class of anglicised Indians who would serve as cultural intermediaries between the British and the Indians. 

Macaulay succeeded in implementing ideas previously put forward by Lord William Bentinck, the governor general since 1829. Bentinck favored the replacement of Persian by English as the official language, the use of English as the medium of instruction, and the training of English-speaking Indians as teachers. He was inspired by utilitarian ideas and called for "useful learning." Macaulay convinced the Governor-General to adopt English as the medium of instruction in higher education, from the sixth year of schooling onwards, rather than Sanskrit or Persian then used in the institutions supported by the East India Company.

  By doing so, Macaulay wanted to "educate a people who cannot at present be educated by means of their mother tongue" and thus, by incorporating English, he sought to "enrich" the Indian languages so "that they could become vehicles for European scientific, historical, and literary expression".

 Macaualay's preference for the English language was based on his view of the local languages as "poor and rude" and on his belief that the body of writing available in Sanskrit and Arabic was no match for the scholarship available in English. He famously stated in his "Minute on Indian Education" (1835): "all the historical information which has been collected from all the books written in Sanskrit language is less valuable than what may be found in the most paltry abridgments used at preparatory schools in England." His final years in India were devoted to the creation of a Penal Code, as the leading member of the Law Commission.

The term "Macaulay's Children" is used to refer to people born of Indian ancestry who adopt Western culture as a lifestyle, or display attitudes influenced by colonisers. It is used as a pejorative term, and the connotation is one of disloyalty to one's country and one's heritage. This frame of mind or attitude is also referred to as .Macaulayism

Macaulay held the indigenous culture of the Indian peoples in low esteem and saw his as a civilizing mission: "We must at present do our best to form a class of persons Indian in blood and colour but English in tastes, in opinion, in morals, and in intellect," Macaulay declared.

There is another reference i came to read here under from differnt source make me enlighted lot more with historical facts.

In the Round- table conference in 1931, Mahatma Gandhi in one of his speeches said, "The beautiful tree of education was cut down by you British. Therefore today India is far more illiterate than it was 100 years ago." Immediately, Philip Hartog, who was a parliamentarian stood up and said, "Mr.Gandhi, it is we who have educated the masses of India. And therefore you must take back your statement and apologise or prove it." Gandhiji said he would prove it. But the debate did not continue for lack of time. Later one of his followers, Shri Dharampal, went to the British museum and examined the reports and archives. He published a book "The Beautiful Tree" where this matter has been discussed in great detail. By 1820, the British had already destroyed the financial resources that supported our educational system- a destruction that they had been carrying out for nearly twenty years. But still the Indians persisted in continuing with their system of education. So, the British decided to find out the intricacies of this system. Therefore a survey was ordered in 1822 and was conducted by the British district collectors. In the survey it was found that the Bengal presidency had 1 lakh village schools, in Madras there was not a single village without a school, in Bombay, if the village population was near 100, the village had a school. Teachers as well as students of all castes were in these schools. The Brahmins accounted 7% to 48% of the teachers, and the rest of the teachers in any district, came from other castes. Further all children had their education in their mother tongue.

The equivalent of the present day primary education lasted 4 to 5 yrs. We all know that it is universal primary education that is important for taking the nation ahead, not just a few getting higher education. The British administrators admired the dedication and capacity of the Indian teachers. By the time the students came out of the schools they had acquired the capacity to be competitive, and to understand and have proper insight into their own culture. One Mr.Bell, a Christian missionary in Madras took the Indian system of education back to England, and introduced it there. Until then, only the children of the nobles were given education there and he started education for the masses in England. So, we gather that it is from India that the British adopted the system for educating the masses. (source The destruction of indian educational system)

I am not expressing my view on the present educational system in India prevailing,nor expressing my opinion but its voice of a common person who strongly believe to make a better citizens of India  with freedom of becoming what ever he wants, not bounded to only  few fields like engineer, doctor ,  accountant  . It is certainly high time to decide what we need for our children to build a nation which once upon a time was hub to deliver knowledge to the world, this peninsula used to give genius people to the world. can we not revive ourselves?

with my best wishes

Thank You Mom

While I was just surfing I found this video, which I wanted to share here.
Motherhood is a greatest blessing that every woman can have and also the highest role that needs plenty of patience, responsibility, tolerance and loads of love to shower.
Right from feeding the baby, putting her to sleep, calming her down, having sleepless nights, doing age appropriate activities with the child, wishing the best in the world for the baby,
protecting her, praying for her and every single thing that she can do to make child to be better and live better.
Out of many parenting techniques, the technique which has love as the base always is strong and lasts forever, however the parent bears the pain and puts in tremendous untiring efforts.
Without minding and complaining about her lack of sleep, her timely meals, her own relaxing time, she always attends to the kids.
A " mom" will know about her kid's behaviour and the techniques of handling her( which differs from kid to kid).Many parents, we think we should provide our kids with all the things that we have missed in our childhood.
but mostly it is confined to the lines of materials. We cannot forget the times when we thought or when we said to our kids , " I was not given these many dresses or toys or cycle or bike", " I never had a mobile until I started to work" and so on..
But the same interest of providing the kid better means, in terms of elements of better living like providing opportunity, making them fearless, encouraging them, boosting their morals, listening to them, assuring you support to them,
and so on, will definitely be a very strong base for their transformation in to a better person.Out of affection, love, we parents sometimes spoonfeed the kids.Cooking variety dishes for them and feeding them only makes them lazy and incompetant, instead if we can teach them the art of cooking which if learnt , will help them to survive anywhere and everywhere.
I say this out of my personal experience. I am now in the process of being an independent individual, am in the process of breaking my barriers which " pampering" has caused. Pampering is good and necessary , which definitely has to be reduced after sometime.
Its like holding the fingers of baby to teach her to walk, pretending to hold the fingers of the baby just to make her comfortable when she tries to walk, then eventually she will walk and then she will run , infact she will explore jumping and acts like that.
Its us, the parents have to know the right time when to hold and when to leave her fingers to be on her own. A few falls will make the baby strong and good thing about the baby is they dont just sit at the same place where they fell. Some may need a boosting, some they themselves start again, some they try after sometime and some they dont leave until they reach.
All these things Moms always watch , observe , act and handle.
To the MOM, who is a friend, guide, a philosopher,who has inspired me to write these few words, from whom I am learning/have learnt the act of tolerance, kindness, untiring efforts, providing AMPLE LOADS of support and love alwayss,whose success is even if the kid has done the mistake it runs to the mom and confesses to her, trusting she will always love and correct the mistake,
who is always been a wonderful role model and does justice to the role of being a mom, a true mom that the kid herself/himself has acknowledged/(s), I dedicate this video.
and I wish I be a good mom to my child.
At this moment we shall thank our moms and we shall be loving moms to our kids making them  wonderful individuals.
And kids if you read this artcile , take a moment from your busy schedule of classes and homeworks , and think of your mom and express your love , affection and gratitude towards her, Theres nothing more than the kid's expression for a mom in the world that will make her happy.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How we become dependent......

How we become dependent

I continue to love this man not because he is from my country but because how accurately he understands the mind. sign of sick child is hovering around mother..!!!  also true for some one hovering around the Master for support. Go through this 8 min vid  trust me , you wont regret  listening to him. Surely help to up-bring kids, and understanding mind.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Do’s and Don’ts of Deepavali....


Diwali, the festival of lights, Full of fun and masti, new clothing, decoration of the house, lamps, lights , rangoli and sweets, but without mentioning of fireworks and fire crackers there is no diwali or deepawali.  children as well as Big guys are in full swing to play with fireworks, burst crackers, etc. However, practicing a safe Diwali is very important. 

Don't fall in trap of trends set by corporate companies, use your money wisely, well planned with a list in hand to buy before going out to shop.

 Do’s and Don’ts of Deepavali

1) Wear cotton clothes and avoid wearing synthetic/loose attires in the presence of fire crackers.

2) Organize or participation in a community display of fireworks rather than individual burning of crackers.

3)It is advisable to buy as little firecrackers as possible, because that can help us spend less and can also stop us from polluting our environment.

4) Children should always be attended by adults and should be supervised by adults  when  using fireworks and crackers.

5) The crackers should be lit in an open ground rather than an enclosed space away from wiring or obstructions. They should be lit away from combustible objects.

6) Read the instructions on the box of  firecracker,should be clearly read and the crackers should only be burnt outdoors.

7) Maintain a safe distance while lighting them, consider eco friendly and good fire crackers before buying.

8) keep first aid box handy. Adults should avoid consuming alcoholic drinks.

9)  Never try to attempt to re -light un-bursted fire cracker for the second time and instead;  it is wise to put away in water.

10) Never use matches and lighters for lighting  fire crackers as they have open flames . especially people try with sky rockets often in bottle  which can be dangerous

11) Avoid placing the fire cracker in a direction facing any opening like an open window, door or an open building which may cause fire accidents.

12) Store your fireworks safely and if you have pets, keep your pets away from the noise.

Despite all the precautions followed, if there are still accidents;
What should be done in case of an accident?

1) For minor burns, pour cold water on the wounds.

2) Antiseptic creams or natural products like aloe vera, turmeric and others can be applied.

3)The wound can be treated with a bandage.

4)If clothing catches fire, drop yourself on the ground and roll.

5) In severe cases, rush to the hospital immediately

Tips to follow for allergic eyes.

A decoction prepared by boiling neem leaves with water could be used to wash eyes before going to bed. It removes all the dust particles from eyes and leaves a soothing effect on eye muscles.

To prevent eye infection one can also prepare a solution by soaking two to three tulsi leaves in a bowl of water overnight. In morning, strain the mixture and wash your eyes with the solution.   
  @ source : Hindustan timesTips-for-a-safe-Diwali/

Wish you all happy and Safe Deepavali......

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

35 websites to enlighten your brain with lots of parenting stuff.

Lots of friends asking me these days, from where i source my knowledge and how i find things, so hereby ; admit that its the result of lots of  surfing , reading books and association with positive people;which happened in the earlier part of my life, spent lots of time with older and thinkers, resulted into quench for true way of life. Other side of the story is i get most useful questions come in form of queries from my friends , who constantly enlighten me with lots of  questions, strangely compels me to find certain things, in that  due course of action i get lots of informations, am sharing lots of websites here which can be useful to you also websites related to children, i have gone through the most of the websites to find  it suitable to kids, but it would be entirely  at your discreet whether it is appropriate for you and your kids,or not; am sharing in good faith; i don't own any commercial interest in publishing it here,nor i want any credit of honour if develop out of this must go  entirely to the websites who published them.

35 websites to enlighten your brain with lots of parenting stuff.

you can also visit these sites and can find useful things for yourself and kids.
Hope you people enjoy the material out there.

1)Parenting: Every thing about parenting.

2)kidsfreesouls: news paper for kids and resources for parents.

3)readyweb: useful Tips for parents.

4)kids.nationalgeographic.: games, videos, funstuff both for kids and parents.

5) website for teachers, students as well as parents.

6) learning material for children and parents and lots of brain

7)historyforkids : educational website,know every thing about history of india and world.

8) very interesting games and videos, fun and education.

9)kidsturncentral: Clipart, games, crafts fun etc.

10)dimdima: online magazine for kids and parents by bharatiya vidya bhavan

11) omniglot :Omniglot is an encyclopedia of writing systems and languages.

12)'s_magazines: all about indian magazines

13).4to40. interesting website covering  needs of age from 4-40 years.

14)chandamama: The famous chandamama for fun stories and more now online.

15) for poems ,stories, gk and riddles.

16) This lovely fun games site for younger and older kids lots of learning and fun.

17)www.indiaparenting: useful informative site for parenting and balmitra.

18)indianchild: useful stories, learning material for kids and parents.

19) Educational website for kids learning online.

20) kids education from discovery .

21)dropshots: photo sharing site.

22)cloud.muvee. : sharing movie, video and photes.

23) : create info graphics by using the website.

24)audacity.: we can record , edit and mix songs, rhymes bhajans.

25)quizlet : learning tools.

26) : film critics and reviews.

27)/softwareforkids./free-software/ : blog for softwares.

28).healthybaccha: we site relating child care and health issues of kids by pediatrician.

29) specialchildren : Parenting of special kids.

Government websites about kids.


31)nutrition india





teachertube: Useful for teachers as well as students

Know the ratings before showing a movie to the kid..

Notice Ratings  before watching a movie

Cinema has become cultural part in contemporary india,  there is no occasion left where to go to movie or at least watching movies at home on tv, but do parents aware about which movie should be shown to the children. Often it is observed that we are not aware what type of movies we are watching in front of  kids, while they are playing around, later to found that they started to repeat some catchy dialogues of the movie, and so many times we love to hear such dialogues from them to encourage;to repeat them again and again to have fun,  being negligent to the fact that the impact on the children;s mind , which can later to form a perception to such acts, which helps to form a opinion often in a wrong way, the effects may not be visible at the same age but they are certainly stored in the memory, and create a wrong ideas towards the reality. we can check in ourselves how wrongly we perceived things at earlier age, which converted into habit later to addiction. Such small mistakes can amplify in later stage and give very big trouble in later years.

should we be aware of the Ratings given by the censor Board before taking children to a particular movie show, are we really notice the Rating before showing the movie, do we really understand the ratings? or we go to the movies or watch at home just like that, these questions made me to think and find the rating system in India, and  in other countries . Here is the extract -

how the ratings are done in India  source wikipedia.
Understand the ratings before showing any movie to the kids so that they would served with the right information appropriate to their age. Always consider ratings before taking kids to movies.

In India, Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) is responsible for certifying films meant for public exhibition.
The Censor Board presently gives five categories of certificates, namely,

U - Universal - Unrestricted Public Exhibition throughout India. Suitable for all. Films under this category should not upset children over 4. This rating is similar to the MPAA's G and PG, the BBFC's U and PG, and the OFLC's G and PG ratings. Films under this category may contain only mild themes and mild profanity or sexual references. Any nudity/sexuality/drug innuendo is cut. Moderate violence (e.g. fantasy) is allowed if justified by context.

UA - Parental Guidance - Unrestricted public exhibition with subject to parental discretion for children under the age of 12. Those aged under 12 years are only admitted if accompanied by an adult. This rating is similar to the MPAA's PG-13, the BBFC's 12A and the OFLC's M ratings. Films under this category may contain mature/strong themes and moderate sexual references, language and undetailed sexual activity is also allowed. Also, nudity in a non-graphic context is allowed if shown briefly. Minimum reference to drugs along with soft drug use is also allowed. Strong violence may be allowed justified by context. Sexual violence may be permitted if discreet and justified by context.

A - Adults only - Public exhibition restricted to adults (18 years or over) only. This rating is similar to the MPAA's R and NC-17, the BBFC's 15 and 18 and the OFLC's and MA15+ and R18+ ratings. Nobody younger than 18 may rent or buy an A-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category can contain adult themes. They do not have any limitation on the bad language that is used. Hard drugs are generally allowed, and strong sexual references along with detailed sexual activity is allowed if justified by context. Very strong, gory and/or sadistic violence may be permitted if justified by context. Strong sexual violence is allowed unless it is eroticised or excessively graphic. There is no limit on the nudity that is shown, it should be in a non-graphic context.

S - Specialised Audience - Exhibition to restricted audience such as doctors etc.
Additionally, V/U, V/UA, V/A are used for video releases with U, UA and A carrying the same meaning as above.

For complete information of ratings around the world and understanding how they movies are rated can be found here. Motion picture rating system