Source Article can read here:
10 Alarming Facts Need to attend them immediately
I been often asked by parents which is the best investment instrument for their kids future studies, Well financial instrument can give only money to them not the Upbringing which makes a human as human, Right!!!. so the best investment would be the Quality time with them!!! .
When recently i have observed at one of the clients kids started fighting for same mobile phone of their father to play video game!? and than their mother took them to feed make them sit in front of tv older one and younger one started playing with mobile phone. A question flashed in the mind, parents may get best financial plan to secure their child education but who would make them a Human being?
after little research I found to read this article which Alarms us find immediate solutions to the need, here it goes like this -
1) Fathers talk to their children for
eight minutes a day.
2) Working mothers talk for 11 minutes.
3) More than 80% mothers feed their
babies while watching Television so that they eat fast without creating
a fuss, a recent study has revealed. (The reason behind this alarming
trend is that more and more families have both parents working, and hence, have
less time to devote to the children.)
4)The study shows that even stay-at-home mothers do not talk to their children
for more than 30 minutes a day. , the study has revealed alarming truths about parent-child
5) “Parents only give orders to their children; they
rarely have a conversation with them.
6) Stay-at-home mothers are rarely home
with the children. And when they are, they are so bored that they keep them
engaged in video games.
7) The trend of feeding children while watching TV is
dangerous as children need to have positive thoughts while eating. TV distracts
them, so they are not even able to understand their own hunger or chewing
techniques; this can lead to gastrointestinal problems.
8) As parents are always busy working, children often end
up talking more with their peers or even their housemaids. Working mothers, out
of guilt, at least try to spend some time with their children. But fathers,
many a times, are not even aware of what their child is studying.”
9) Even stay-at-home mothers are unable
to communicate much with their children. , most of the time
mothers do not even know how to talk to their children. (This line make me to smile I know couple of them)
10) “Mothers generally end
up talking to them only about homework and other school-related activities. They
are unable to hold deep conversations with them to understand their stress or what is really going on in their lives.
Solutions in my view - Spending Quality Time is the answer.
We all wanted to give our kids best toys, best clothes, best education etc etc, than why not Best of your time? most people stop here saying where is the time, we all are running a rat race, but that's not kids problem, that our problem, what to do?
1) Don't treat kids a kids, their conscious mind could be a child, but subconscious mind is not, they know what they are doing. Give them full ATTENTION to every word they speak. children are very expressive.When you respect their thoughts soon you will find you ended up into beautiful conversation.
2)Not Money, Not investments, child needs your Time -
Not any toy, not any visit to the mall, not the cartoon
channels, and not even the videogame…all they want is for thier parents to spend
some quality time with them And believe me, even a child as small as 3 years old understands clearly their priorities in life. It’s only when we parents flip the priorities to our
convenience – first provide them everything that money can buy, and only then
give them our time if it’s available – that the child starts to believe that
this is the way life is to be lived.– Children need to know that they are important. They
need to know they are loved and they need to know they are secure.

3) Say yes more than " No"- Often parents get irritated by asking questions from the young toddlers, they say Loud, blunt no to turn off their dream to shelf forever. I have observed around kids been asked several times in their younger days what they wanted to become when they become older? and gets confused with kid beeing changing his views each year..!!! Does they ever show a real person who achieved that what that young lad wanted to become? do we make them meet such people? I asked my friend recently have you ever show him a Architect or make him meet which he wanted to become when he is older? answer was no? parents just ask that Question as others also do that, slowly kid understand that this is only a norm, a ritual to ask such. Solution- Ask the kids to make vision boards.!!!. make them stick to their decisions would they? but one need to spend time for that at least, they may.
4) Teach the art of listening - Masanobu Fukuoka observers that in raising children, many parents make the mistake to expose them to unnatural sounds to the kids. A child's ear catches the music. the murmuring of a stream, the sound of frogs, croaking by the river bank, the rustling of leaves in the forest, all these natural sounds are music, True music. But variety of disturbing noises enter and confuse the ear, the child's pure direct appreciation of music degenerates, if neglected, the child is unable to hear the call of a bird or the sound of wind as songs, That is why music education is thought to be useful for child development.If a single bud is sniffed of a fruit tree with a pair of scissors can bring a disorder in the tree than think what we are doing with the children? when mothers complaint that their kid don't listen to them probably it is due to the music of cartoon networks, which they deliberately infuse to make addicted to watch it repeatedly.

5) Talk them to their level ( Assimilation of thoughts).
This is best stress buster not only to them but to you too, if you can give go on doing cranky things what they do, you would be become friend of them, once you do this you can pass on the message what ever you wanted to give them. you would love the whole process of being with them.
useful link : .positive-parenting-skills
Its another eye opening article which provokes thoughts and helps to evaluate the parent - kids relationship. As a stay at home mom, I cud relate to what its been written there. all the points are true.
ReplyDeleteMore than appreciating, the importance of understanding and incorporating in life, will bring out the change.
SIMPLY STRIKING QUOTES.. questions our upbringing and calls us for a change.
ReplyDeleteIt is a very nice article.It helps parents for upbringing their kids.
ReplyDeletety,welcome to the blog