Self discipline is Essential Ingredient to reach Goal
discipline is Essential Ingredient to reach Goal
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A disciplined mind leads to happiness,
and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.
Dalai Lama XIV
If you do not conquer self,
you will be conquered by self.
Napoleon Hill
Nothing is more harmful to the service
than the neglect of discipline; for that discipline,
than numbers, gives one army superiority over another.
George Washington
Practice yourself,
for heaven’s sake in little things,
and then proceed to greater.
To read a newspaper
is to refrain from reading something worth while.
The first discipline of education
must therefore be to refuse resolutely
to feed the mind with canned chatter.
Aleister Crowley
are beyond human control,
but our conduct is in our own power.
Benjamin Disraeli
It was character that got us out of bed,
commitment that moved us into action
and discipline that enabled us to
follow through.
Zig Ziglar
Beware of endeavoring to become a
great man in a hurry. One such attempt in ten thousand may succeed. These are
fearful odds.
Benjamin Disraeli
you agree with the Title of this article? I think everyone of us Experienced
this in our life that it is very much Essential ingredient, Few people has mastered that art, and others like me are
still under process, Well more or less every one know this fact that
self discipline is must, but few people are aware that the seeds of self
discipline must be sown Very early in the life, and make them
repeatedly understand the principle of success is in self regulation, self
restraint and self discipline to reach heights of life.
used to be incubation of great minds in ancient India, where there were
students of different communities study under one roof, according to their
personal abilities and samskaras , the field of knowledge is allotted by the
Guru himself. Interesting thing of Gurukuls was that whether they are sons
and daughters of king or ordinary peasant they used to undergo similar
treatment, and the same facilities, training would be given to the mind. Many
a parents Repeatedly tell their kids to do hard work that would give them
success but true thing is Hard work should be applied with Methodology (विधिपूर्वक ) or
is the use of doing hard work अविधिपूर्वक for several years, and stay aloof? would it bring
results? , so therefore Discipline the whole body-mind system, that condition
of Mind would actually bring results,
guys who are trained their mind to अविधिपूर्वक(wildly/without methodology) will never get success in their respective field. They
never even know that some thing can be achieved in their life, they drift and
play all the life, they can just spend their lives into non productive works
without purpose and never listen to any Vidhi as their faith is towards that
condition which is wild, it is like a Boulder been kept under the sea
water for million of years still it will not recede water inside.
we train the mind? irrespective of age, geography , culture or gender, the
answer is Yes, we can if the candidate is ready to listen, willing to
surrender his wild thoughts. More than that; Does he have faith on the Guru?
(the master or mentor), if yes than he can learn the Vidhi or methodology to
discipline it to a PURPOSE like a Gardner does to his orchard. A Potter does
to the soil, A sculptor does to the hard Rock, we can shape the life and give
a Direction and purpose. If this the conclusion, than what are we waiting
for? Why not protect our kids for being Avidhi porvak (wild methods) mind and
Mold them to a Required shape, mend them to a purpose?
we start it Early?
is from Ancient Indian Methods from Patanjali Yoga , their method
would bring Indiryas ( congitive senses) to standstill along with the mind.
Finally Ego is tamed, and molded to invest the their energies in such a
manner which we can all it as Productive.
Moral codes
2) Niyama
Self-purification and study
Pranayama प्राणायाम
Breath control
Pratyahara प्रत्याहार
Withdrawing of the mind from senses
6) Dharana
Deep meditation
Union with the object of meditation.
the 7, and 8 all others can be started to 7 year old child and onwards,
early is the best,and that was the common practice for every one in those
days , by the age 12-16 they reach the age of adolescent they become
master of their senses and mind and ready to get enter into marital
knot, that's the reason every one was self depend in their views and
liberal to choose not only the field of work, but Swayamvara practice (girl used to choose the boy ,on her own based on her
likings) every one tried to do their work
by giving best training to their own mind respective to their abilities.
Note : If some one find it
difficult to practice these, All 6 points can be mastered with one act
Singing Bhajan to Lord., other two also with Bhakti yoga. our ancient
saints did this like Tyagaraja , Tukaram etc
in the contemporary world, is it possible or not parents has to decide
themselves , but one thing is sure that without discipline the mind, No
one can become Master of himself.
It has reached deep inside and questioned myself, and couldnot come up with any words . Along with kids , it's very essential for parents too n they need to be the living examples for the kids. Great quotes , beautiful vid .. We r truly grateful to u for u r showing a groomed path to walk on . It has also made me to challenge myself to discipline myself n be an ex for my daughter ..
It has reached deep inside and questioned myself, and couldnot come up with any words . Along with kids , it's very essential for parents too n they need to be the living examples for the kids. Great quotes , beautiful vid .. We r truly grateful to u for u r showing a groomed path to walk on .
ReplyDeleteIt has also made me to challenge myself to discipline myself n be an ex for my daughter ..
Good one