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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

1st Oct is child health day , and on this occasion i thought to write some thing on child health.

"Man is nothing but a combination of spiritual and corporeal nature"

Children are so loving and cute , many people in India believe children are avatars of God, and they treat them so well as if they are treating God ;god himself  visited  to their home in form of a child. Days are gone when such believers we can find every where and now it very hard to find such people,Families broke into nuclear from joint, and from nuclear to nano families which doesn't have any connection with the societies, some times  there is serious absent bond with their own relationships. This  so called ultra modern society with latest Gizmos and other technology to beat the time and pace of life,  doesn't have even time to look after the kids, they often leave the kids at mercy of maid  or crutch, toddlers and kids made their friend in the cartoons networks( a virtual world) No trace  of real touch ,feel ,goodness of love to the kid not even the grandparents stories nor the lap of mother, can make them really emotional distorted people in future.It is really pity to see the life of parents who are carrier oriented as they call themselves carrier first and children later, Running a race, a competition which will have no end. will only know the importance of kids when the race is lost,surely when kid grew up he also have not time for the parents. 

A child needs most of the love till age 5 years , that too mothers love, which is very much lacking in the modern day society and they are getting older in the hands of maid where there is no emotional attachment is developed. A serious thought is needed to correct their life and bring back happiness to their lives because the children are long term investments.

child gets feeding with umbilical chord in the womb, as soon the child is born he is connected with silver chord to the cosmos from there he gets universal energy constantly, whenever there is resistance in getting that cosmic energy to his body and resistant force is reduced in the body , the body gets sick.

WHO(world health organisation) definition of Health : Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Every  parent wanted to keep their children healthy and fit ; for healthy living according to me in this ultra modern living age we need to take care of some important things to keep kids healthy

1) Make them Sleep in proper posture , provide environment so that they sleep sound.

2) Nutritional food, unadulterated easy digestible which suits to their age a big NO NO to staple food or noddles ,pastas and soft drinks

3) Make them learn breathe properly ( for kids above age 7 make them learn breathing exercises) 

4)  Sports and exercise which involves interaction and being a team player 5) keep away form radiation and  electronic technology until they enter into teens

5) spiritual discourses, which make them learn about their own self.(inspite they dont understand them consciously subconsciously they learn.

6) Bhajans and prayers, to make them strong enough to fight challenges.

7) Money Saving methods and money mechanics once they reach age 9-10

8) How to visualize things to become creative in thinker,and make them cling towards positiveness,suitable age 5years and onward.

9)Activities involving environment friendly making them to learn about nature.

10) our ancestral culture , traditions and festivals so that they would be socially interactive.

11) activities involving to learn Good manners: how to talk, the way of communication involving his overall personality, learn to be  compassionate,non violent yet able to express their emotions.

 kids comes up with  packages of inherent natures  which keep on changing with the growth of physical body and the conscious mind, they are 1) Wild 2) indiscipline 3) primitive urges 4) Uncivilized 

1) Wildness , they have their rules and they are wild so one need to understand that make them one among us LOVE is the best thing to tame wildness..

2) Indiscipline  Kids don't have self control on their senses , so they don't maintain or even understand sense, parents need to train them to understand the senses and their discipline once the kids reach age 7-15 is the age when they needs the most solution breathing exercises..

3) Primitive urges: basically the man is wild so their primitive urges surface Dont have control on their voice( speech) so they need to know how to use the speech system: solution Power of talking and how to talk

4) Uncivilized: One need to make them fit for civilization  so that they  live happily under law and constitution of human society; to make children learn some thing we need to be exemplars  because for a kid parents are role model most powerful people, we need to learn first to become parents to make child learn. A caution you can give your love to kid but you can never give your mind( thoughts), They will have always their own thoughts and life, let them live on their own after 18 years, and take charge of patrons role. I believe every civilization have healthy people who continue to make themselves better to protect their civilization by reaming HEALTHY, yes we want our generations to be healthy so we need to protect our seed, to make it Good garden to enjoy fruits.

1 comment:

  1. Great message on an apt day. Like I have said b4, its such a true guide to true living. It is very useful to know the deeper things to nurture the for keeping them healthy is so informative. Thank u so much..
