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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy times .....

Happy times

To help you get through the more difficult times, and to put things in perspective, think about all the wonderful aspects of the toddler years. You could even write a list to refer to when tantrums and tears get you down.

You might include some of the following:

  • Toddlers think parents are the greatest people in the world - as far as they're concerned, you're the centre of the universe, so make the most of it because it might not last for ever.

  • Most toddlers cry a lot less than when they were babies.

  • You should be getting a better night's rest as sleep patterns are established, although some sleep problems can persist during this time.

  • You may have more time for yourself than you had when she was a baby
  • With your toddler around, you have an endless supply of cuddles and affection.

  • Her zest and enthusiasm for new discoveries can be infectious.

  • Her perseverance, trying things over and over again, and her sheer determination to master new skills can be thrilling.

  • Your toddler's love of silliness and laughter often allows you to be a child again.

  • Her funny little sayings and expressions can be an endless source of delight.

( source BBC health)

1 comment:

  1. Cpla of days back I was wondering how fast she has grown...four years have flown like secs..n those times can never be gotten back...I did realise...
    But I heartily thank u so muchh..for u made me get clsr with her..n NW if I cud enjoy what u have written, its just
    Cuz of u..every little moments with her, I cud c, n enjoy her things..but still a long way to go..n I'm in the process..
